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Cool Tech Vids I've Found Recently

Good afternoon fellow nerds. I have binging on Youtube lately like alot of you I bet. I wanted to update you guys with some cool videos I've found recently that are interesting and might teach you a thing or two.

The above video is from IGN which is a huge gaming network. This video focuses on great drones to get in 2017 even though the year is almost over. Drones are fun toys to have and you can also record awesome shots if you vlog or create content.

You should know Casiey Neistat by now. He is one of the coolest vloggers on Youtube and most successful. With millions of views on each video and subscribers too, you won't wonder why hes doign so good once you check him out! He is from New York and loves to run, use his drone, and skate around on his electric skateboard. Lots of wisdom is to be found in his content and entertainment without a doubt.

This is a video I couldn't even believe truthfuly. It is the worlds first 3d printed house! I'm not kidding when I say that either, just watch for yourself. I recall a year or so ago they 3d printed an office building in Dubai so I can only expect this to become more normal. Imaging seeing an entire building being printed before our very own eyes? Tech is getting so crazy and not only that, it is available to nerds like me and you.

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