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Samsung Galaxy Review

Today we are coming at you with a general review of the Samsung Galaxy smartphone. There's always been an ongoing rivalry between iPhone and Android so we want to touch on what makes Samsung phones so fantastic. The Galaxy is their most purchased model behind the Note so that is why we've chosen it for today.

All techbugs know of the above gentleman, Marques. He is the most popular tech vlogger and reviewer on Youtube at the moment. He has done awesome reviews of Samsung products and many others if you want some great videos to watch.

Lets get onto the review though. Here are some key areas of the Samsung Galaxy we wanted to dive into:

-Looks: In terms of appearance, the Galaxy is sleek and definitely has an oriental vibe to it. It is made in Korea so we felt like that is a bit apparent in a very good way in its build. It is made to be lightweight, professional and slim. It most certainly fits all of these traits.

- Battery: Samsung has always been renowned for great battery life and the Galaxy is no different. Expect it to last the entire day and more off on a full charge. You can be at work, school, doing things after, watching videos and whatnot to see a healthy amount of battery life. This we did not experience with the Apple products though of similar caliber.

- Function: One thing we love about the Galaxy is that it has real function unlike the iPhone. There are many apps for stock trading, news, events, and more that come with the OS or you can get easily from the app store. It also has health tracking capabilities and things that can really improve your life.

- Camera: This is another spot the Samsung phones have always stood out in. The camera on the Galaxy will blow you away with how good the quality is. You will feel like a professiona photographer every time you have it in your hands.

Overall we love the Galaxy in terms of looks, function, and features. Make sure to watch Marques' videos for an indepth analysis.

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